Sunday, 23 June 2013

Meech Lake 2k - race report from Laura!

The Technosport Meech Lake 2km Race took place on Sunday, here's a race report from Laura. Congrats on the great swim time!

The water was calm and not cold in my opinion. The turn out was decent but not overwhelming. I went out fast but then suddenly got tired and a bit panicky. I almost gave up, but then calmed myself down with a few breaths and a few breast strokes, then reminded myself that its just a swim and I do this all the time. Just go with the flow and enjoy the swim one stroke at a time. In the end, I did fine. My friend clocked my time at 37:47. I think I was the fourth woman out but remains to be confirmed on the stats. I'm just happy that I did it. I am looking forward to a straight line course, not going in circles. Sighting remains a bit of a challenge and I find it a bit disorienting to swim in open water at this time. Nonetheless I like being in the water and all in all, a good experience. 

Laura - post race
PS - there is no sophisticated way to get in or out of a wetsuit. fact.

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