Thursday, 23 May 2013

Nationals (we were awesome), and a few announcements

Couple of things to mark on your calendars, just waiting for confirmation that we've got a room at the Complex to use:

Open Water Week, Saturday June 1st  8:30-10:00am
We'll be hosting our first "intro to open water" mini clinic for those people interested in doing open water swims this summer. Kevin, our resident Ironman superhero, has agreed to give a talk on what to expect, how to train, nutrition, etc. Kevin's talk will be following by a couple of swim practices that incorporate some open water skills. Even if you're not planning to compete, join us anyhow! It will be something new to learn, and a different way of challenging yourself!

Team Meeting, Saturday June 8th 8:30-9:30am
We'll go over some of the preparations underway for team suits/caps, upcoming meets, etc. This will be a good chance to be heard - even if you don't plan to race in competitions, feedback on what's working and what you'd like to see if always welcome.

Nationals - the Sharks were awesome! Video of the swims to come soon, in the meantime, a few shots of our swimmers...

congrats to everyone, job well done!

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