Masters Swimming Canada (MSC) is a non-profit club-based organization that governs masters swimming in Canada at the national level.
- the role of MSC is to enhance the swimming experience of its members by creating and supporting structured swim programs
- competition is a key component of MSC's offering, but many swimmers join clubs for fun and exercise and choose not to participate in official competitions
- competitions are open to ages 18+, swimmers of all speeds and abilities, and are a great way to set personal and team goals
In order to compete in swim meets, swimmers must be formally registered with Masters Swimming Canada. In our case, the swim team itself is registered as a Masters Club. Swimmers wishing to compete in official competitions must register for their personal Masters Swimming #, at a cost of $35. Then, in order to register for a particular swim meet, swimmers must pay the swim meet fees and register for the events they wish to compete in. The process is quite simple, please talk to coach Mike if you're interested in participating...the meets are a lots of fun, and you'll get to swim with people from all corners of the world!
The 1KM Challenge is a continuous 1km pool swim, which can be done on your own or in your club pool. A great way to challenge yourself, and work on technique and stroke efficiency. Log your time online, and compare yourself to other swimmers across the country.
A great way to work on proficiency in all 4 strokes. Your total time is the 4 strokes plus the IM.
sprint: 50m of each stroke + 100IM
medium: 100m of each stroke + 200IM
long: 200m of each stroke + 400IM
Participate for sport, participate for fun, set some goals and track your accomplishments. Get to know your team mates, and swimmers from other clubs across the province and country...
Each May, MSC hosts a national meet.
2013 will be in Ottawa!!!
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